
How to Never Run Out of Content Ideas

How to Never Run Out of Content Ideas

Coming up with ideas for content can be a struggle, whether you're writing blog posts, making Instagram posts, or creating any other type of media that requires creativity.

The truth is, creativity runs dry sometimes. We all hit walls where we just can't seem to think of what to write or post next. But having a reliable system and strategy in place is the key to never running out of content ideas again.

The process outlined in this article will work for all types of content creation, from blogs to social media and more. By following a few simple steps, you'll always have plenty of fresh ideas ready to turn into great content your audience will love.

3 Steps to Never Run Out of Content Ideas Again

Pick a Main Niche

The first step is to pick a main niche to focus on. This will be the foundation of your content creation.

For example, if you love gaming, you could make that your niche. Gaming is a massive industry with tons of potential topics to cover.

Make sure to pick a niche you're truly passionate about, since that passion will come through in your content. Your niche should also have enough depth that you can create content around it consistently.

Once you've picked your main niche, you can move onto the next step.


Divide the Niche into Categories

Once you've chosen your main niche, the next step is to divide it into logical categories and subcategories. Sticking with gaming as the example, you could split it into categories like:

  • Console gaming (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, etc)

  • PC gaming

  • Mobile gaming

  • Game genres (FPS, RPG, strategy, etc)

  • Gaming hardware

  • Game studios/developers

  • Gaming culture and news

The goal here is to break your broad niche down into more specific categories that each provide lots of potential content angles. This makes it easier to come up with focused post ideas later. Spend some time brainstorming all the possible subsections of your main niche. The more thorough you are here, the more value you'll get out of the next step.

Split Each Category into Several Content Types

The last step is to take each category you came up with and split it into different types of content you could create.

For example, in the console gaming category, you could have content types like:

  • Reviews: Provide your hands-on review of the latest PS5, Xbox Series X, etc.

  • Top products/services: Top 10 best PS5 games, best Xbox accessories, etc.

  • How-to guides: How to set up your Nintendo Switch, how to link accounts on PlayStation, etc.

  • Tips and tricks: Best practices, hidden features, performance optimizations, etc.

  • Latest news: Announcements, leaks, rumors, and other news around console gaming.

Other categories like PC gaming, game genres, and gaming culture would have their own distinct content types too.

Having these core templates gives you endless combinations to write about. And whenever you need ideas, just consult your categories and content types for inspiration!


Can I Become a Full Time Content Creator?

Absolutely! Many creators start their blogs or channels as side hobbies and eventually turn it into a full-time business. But it takes time and consistency. You need to steadily build your audience and income streams. Leverage opportunities like affiliate marketing, sponsors, coaching, and products. Have a solid content strategy in place. Work hard to provide value to your audience. Do that for 1-2 years and you can realistically make a living from content creation.

How Can I Make Sure My Content Is Relevant to My Audience?

The best way is to directly ask your audience what topics they want covered! Social media polls, surveys, and conversations can give you insights into what they find valuable. Monitor comments on your content as well. Beyond that, put yourself in their shoes. If you were them, what information would you find useful? What questions would you want answered? What problems need solving?

What Tools Can I Use to Come Up With Ideas?

  • Keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner to find high-demand topics.

  • BuzzSumo and other content research tools to analyze trending content in your niche.

  • Surveys and polls like Google Forms to crowdsource ideas directly from your audience.

  • Trello or another ideation board to organize and prioritize content ideas in one place.

  • Good old pen and paper for brainstorming sessions! Mind maps and lists generate ideas.

If you’re looking for a business idea, consider using our Business Idea Generator

Key Takeaways

Keep testing different ideation tactics to see what works for your creative process.

Pick a niche you're passionate about so you can create great content consistently. Break that niche down into logical categories and subcategories to uncover specific content angles. Then develop a list of potential content types and templates within each subcategory. This provides endless combinations of ideas related to your niche and audience.

Use tools like keyword research, content research, surveys, and brainstorming to generate fresh concepts anytime you need them. And don't forget to directly ask your audience what they want to read, watch, or listen to.

Following this 3-step strategy takes a little upfront work, but sets you up for long-term success. You'll never stare at a blank page again wondering what to create next. Your well of ideas will be continually refilling itself. Now get out there, pick your niche, and cover content that resonates with your audience!

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